   This work as you can see is a paint of Bob Marley. What this activity was about was to choose a photo of whatever you want and copy it back in a canvas. When your drawing is perfect we will need to paint it using just one color and with that color make different shades and tones. As you can see the color I choose is green and with that one I do all the shades, but also as you can see I used a different color for the background. We used acrilycs to do this kind of work, also it was something new to use acrilycs because we have never use that type of paint in the work we have done.  My drawing ended really similar to the one in the picture. This project helped me understand better what shading consists and how to give different tones to paint. 

       This work wasn’t so easy first because I have never done shading and use different tones in my drawings and paintings. The most easy part of this project was making the drawing because it was the basic part then with that we go to the hard part were we paint it. Also for making the tones we need to compare it to the real picture so that was also a hard part of the project. But I really had a great time learning and making this project and choosing what picture I want to do.