          In this project what we are trying to do is to take a part a picture and paste it in a different piece of paper and finish the picture adding new things to it. In my work I took a wave and I add the beach and the sun an all the other different object and with that I complete the picture. The materials I use to do this project were fist the picture from a magazine, a pencil to create my drawing, and at the end I used markers to trace my drawing and in some parts I used color pencils. Also what I was trying to show in this work was peace and what I thought was that a beach could be a good representation of a peaceful place. By making this project I learned how to add new things to other things and also how to combine pictures with drawings. 
         In general I think that this project is not a difficult work because I think it consists more of imagination and create the ability to combine and create different things. So the most difficult part of this project was finding a picture that can feat with my ideas and that way create a new piece of work. I had a lot of fun doing this kind of art because it is a new and different idea of creating art.